BEYOND the Planet of the Humans
Reflection on Michael Moore / Jeff Gibb's Earth Day 2020 film - The Plant of the Humans - and how it relates to the compassionate, altruistic, love based, "world savers" among us. (I'm BCCing this to a few other folks as well :-) If you haven't seen it, I imagine you will, or should, and then this reflection would make greater sense; the link is at the bottom in Jeff's email to me (and other BCCs). -- Aaron 2020-05-04 updated -- Added reflection following a rebuttal by well known speaker in environmentalism (see below the letter). ******* Hi Jeff, I just finished watching your film, "The Planet of the Humans" at 2x speed, which is how I watch everything now-a-days due to so much information I'm trying to take in and make sense of each day. I appreciate that you finally published it. I recall back in 2010 or 2011 or so, we were chatting about northern Michigan and the Local Future conferences, and if I notice correctly from the ...