List of a Few Things I'm Curious About Right Now
202004150712 What I Am Curious About
a. How does my mental model of the universe explain protons, neutrons, light, gravity, forces, elementary particles? What about black holes?
b. What was Jesus doing before he became a teacher? Before his baptism and time in the desert? Was he a carpenter? Who did he love? Who loved him? How many wives did he have? How many children did he have? Did he have a wife that died? A child?
c. Who understands the cosmos the best? Are they sharing their under understanding? Is it someone I'm already aware of? Are the ones who understand the cosmos (and everything) best communicating with one another?
d. Is there a "battle" waging for those of us who desire absolute freedom for all, and those who desire absolute freedom for only themselves (and perhaps their circle of love)? Who is on the "side" of ultimate freedom? Does B*ll G*t*s want to rule the world? Cause genocide? Hold on to power/freedom forever? Who else does? What are the millionaires (and billionaires) up to? What is the "secret" knowledge that they have? To what extent are they organized? To what extent to their interact with the "deep state"?
e. Who else is trustworthy? Is Robert Kennedy Jr trustworthy? Ron Paul? Bernie Sanders? Donald Trump? Etc. What are their drives and motivations? Is this understandable?
f. Is the cosmos real or simulation or challenge or something else?
g, What am I not curious about that I should be? In which directions am I not allowing my curiousity to roam? What could I do to learn more? faster? better? is there a person that would teach me? Many? Would they work together?
h. Do I have any choice at all, as Stephen Hawking has claimed I do? If so, and if all choices create new cosmos's, so to speak, then how can they be related to one another?
i. Why does data on the surface of a black hole need area? Is that an illusion? How small was that again, for each bit of data?
j. Are we on the cusp of noogenesis? Already there? What will I find myself doing in the future? Am I participating in an interesting way?
k. What is the role of the queen in the ant colony, other than creating the babies? Does she decide anything? Direct anything? Is she simply the focus of all altruism given that she is the mother to all? How many different roles are there in an ant colony? Different colonies? Which colony has the most specialization?
l. Who understands economics/finance best? Are they quiet about it, and if so, why? Is it someone I'm aware of? Ray Dalio, perhaps?
m. Will all of the debts be "forgiven"? If not all, which ones? Where? When? Will things go "back to normal" for anyone? Is this a ratcheting down or a collapse?
n. Is the food being plowed under now food that would have been plowed under anyway (like in Michigan in October with the squash field)? Or, does it have to do with schools and restaurants buying that food as raw ingredients, but people not buying that now at the grocery stores? Are we (collectively) eating up the packaged food at a very high rate, drawing down the quantities that will be available in the fall, winter, spring? Where might that lead to food crisis?
o. Who else is in a race to learn all this stuff? Who else is in a the race to help their children (or others) to learn all this stuff? How am I doing in this race? How are my sons doing? What can I do to move up a position or two? And for the boys?
p. How can I help people to join together to move us all towards paradise, eden, nirvana, utopia? Who am I already in contact with? What questions should I ask, what should I say? How should I communicate with them?
q. Within the human body, is there money/credit? If so, where? What is the analogy? It would be moving in the opposite direction of energy and matter? Or does it not exist, and thus in the concious super-organism of civilization, will it also vanish, as all become one family of ultimate trust?
r. Who would I trust with my life, and follow no matter where they led? Is there one? two? three? more? Ones that I would not question, but would perhaps wonder about?
s. Who can I help most? Where are they? What should I be doing to find them; and to help them?
t. When (if ever) will the school reopen? the library? the gym? the borders? When will I hug someone again (outside my household)? When will I see my parents in person? My sister and her family? My other friends?
u. What does the future hold for nations/states? The EU? The US?
v. What is the impact on environmnetal damage of all this? What will be the consequences or benefits? What impact on climate change? Is the cutdown in air travel and other pollution impacting the climate? the weather? If so, how?
w. When will I die? What will it feel like? How will I feel when I see that it is inevitable? Do we die everytime we fall asleep? Are we reborn when we waken? Is the me now the same one as the me yesterday? What role do dreams and dreaming play in all of this?
x. What will the future be like? What are the realistic possibilities, the most likely, least likely, can I do anything to help get us to a positive destination vs a less positive one? If so, what? when? How?
y. When will I see the next sunset over the great lake or an ocean? Will I ever fly in an airplane again? Be able to take the sons to the UK? Africa? Asia? etc.? What can I do to make sure that happens? Should I do anything to make sure that happens? What is Disney World up to right now? Will it ever reopen? to whom? when? Will the "rules" loosen up, only to be tightened down again, like in Wuhan? What will be the next virus or challenge?
z. Who is buying in the markets? selling? What are they selling? What are they buying? What will be the shift in ownership? Will the public, or the private sector, own everything afterwards? How much? How much will the millionaires own? Will there be a global social income? How much? How long? How calculated? Will Starlink be completed? Will any humans live on the moon? Mars? if so, when? Will it by nooarchy or tyranny or oligarchy? What will the people do if the rich attempt to hold on to their possessions? How long will property exist? When will it devolve? How fast will that happen? What could, should, I do to make sure that we're the best positioned to make it through this all?
aa. What does the future hold for us?
a. How does my mental model of the universe explain protons, neutrons, light, gravity, forces, elementary particles? What about black holes?
b. What was Jesus doing before he became a teacher? Before his baptism and time in the desert? Was he a carpenter? Who did he love? Who loved him? How many wives did he have? How many children did he have? Did he have a wife that died? A child?
c. Who understands the cosmos the best? Are they sharing their under understanding? Is it someone I'm already aware of? Are the ones who understand the cosmos (and everything) best communicating with one another?
d. Is there a "battle" waging for those of us who desire absolute freedom for all, and those who desire absolute freedom for only themselves (and perhaps their circle of love)? Who is on the "side" of ultimate freedom? Does B*ll G*t*s want to rule the world? Cause genocide? Hold on to power/freedom forever? Who else does? What are the millionaires (and billionaires) up to? What is the "secret" knowledge that they have? To what extent are they organized? To what extent to their interact with the "deep state"?
e. Who else is trustworthy? Is Robert Kennedy Jr trustworthy? Ron Paul? Bernie Sanders? Donald Trump? Etc. What are their drives and motivations? Is this understandable?
f. Is the cosmos real or simulation or challenge or something else?
g, What am I not curious about that I should be? In which directions am I not allowing my curiousity to roam? What could I do to learn more? faster? better? is there a person that would teach me? Many? Would they work together?
h. Do I have any choice at all, as Stephen Hawking has claimed I do? If so, and if all choices create new cosmos's, so to speak, then how can they be related to one another?
i. Why does data on the surface of a black hole need area? Is that an illusion? How small was that again, for each bit of data?
j. Are we on the cusp of noogenesis? Already there? What will I find myself doing in the future? Am I participating in an interesting way?
k. What is the role of the queen in the ant colony, other than creating the babies? Does she decide anything? Direct anything? Is she simply the focus of all altruism given that she is the mother to all? How many different roles are there in an ant colony? Different colonies? Which colony has the most specialization?
l. Who understands economics/finance best? Are they quiet about it, and if so, why? Is it someone I'm aware of? Ray Dalio, perhaps?
m. Will all of the debts be "forgiven"? If not all, which ones? Where? When? Will things go "back to normal" for anyone? Is this a ratcheting down or a collapse?
n. Is the food being plowed under now food that would have been plowed under anyway (like in Michigan in October with the squash field)? Or, does it have to do with schools and restaurants buying that food as raw ingredients, but people not buying that now at the grocery stores? Are we (collectively) eating up the packaged food at a very high rate, drawing down the quantities that will be available in the fall, winter, spring? Where might that lead to food crisis?
o. Who else is in a race to learn all this stuff? Who else is in a the race to help their children (or others) to learn all this stuff? How am I doing in this race? How are my sons doing? What can I do to move up a position or two? And for the boys?
p. How can I help people to join together to move us all towards paradise, eden, nirvana, utopia? Who am I already in contact with? What questions should I ask, what should I say? How should I communicate with them?
q. Within the human body, is there money/credit? If so, where? What is the analogy? It would be moving in the opposite direction of energy and matter? Or does it not exist, and thus in the concious super-organism of civilization, will it also vanish, as all become one family of ultimate trust?
r. Who would I trust with my life, and follow no matter where they led? Is there one? two? three? more? Ones that I would not question, but would perhaps wonder about?
s. Who can I help most? Where are they? What should I be doing to find them; and to help them?
t. When (if ever) will the school reopen? the library? the gym? the borders? When will I hug someone again (outside my household)? When will I see my parents in person? My sister and her family? My other friends?
u. What does the future hold for nations/states? The EU? The US?
v. What is the impact on environmnetal damage of all this? What will be the consequences or benefits? What impact on climate change? Is the cutdown in air travel and other pollution impacting the climate? the weather? If so, how?
w. When will I die? What will it feel like? How will I feel when I see that it is inevitable? Do we die everytime we fall asleep? Are we reborn when we waken? Is the me now the same one as the me yesterday? What role do dreams and dreaming play in all of this?
x. What will the future be like? What are the realistic possibilities, the most likely, least likely, can I do anything to help get us to a positive destination vs a less positive one? If so, what? when? How?
y. When will I see the next sunset over the great lake or an ocean? Will I ever fly in an airplane again? Be able to take the sons to the UK? Africa? Asia? etc.? What can I do to make sure that happens? Should I do anything to make sure that happens? What is Disney World up to right now? Will it ever reopen? to whom? when? Will the "rules" loosen up, only to be tightened down again, like in Wuhan? What will be the next virus or challenge?
z. Who is buying in the markets? selling? What are they selling? What are they buying? What will be the shift in ownership? Will the public, or the private sector, own everything afterwards? How much? How much will the millionaires own? Will there be a global social income? How much? How long? How calculated? Will Starlink be completed? Will any humans live on the moon? Mars? if so, when? Will it by nooarchy or tyranny or oligarchy? What will the people do if the rich attempt to hold on to their possessions? How long will property exist? When will it devolve? How fast will that happen? What could, should, I do to make sure that we're the best positioned to make it through this all?
aa. What does the future hold for us?
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