The Dumping of Milk 2020 04 07 The Need for Everyone to Grow Food

Suddenly, some are noticing that dairies are dumping milk in the dirt, rather than it being processed and sold.  Before learning more about this, a few critical understandings which will later become relevant:

Everyone is inherently altruistic, naturally feels unconditional love, and is predisposed to compassionate love and, due to that, nonviolence; that this love is common between all animals (including humans) who care for their young; and I appreciate that love and non-violence are the basis of religions including Christianity, Judaism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism.

Everyone, at all times, has the freedom to speak, express oneself, and to share things via recorded means (press); and in that in order for a family (or community, nation, etc.) to make informed decisions, this freedom must be protected; and that speaking truth, which can be difficult for some, and which may be unpleasant to hear, should never be concealed, that is the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; and, that all thoughts ought to be considered, not just ones that are popular, but also those that are tabooanathema, shunnedcensored, etc. including thoughts that are subject to internet censorship, moderation and administration.

Everyone suffer, all animals (including humans), and that love and compassion drives us to avoid causing pain or suffering to others, in fact, to the contrary, to always to try to help/assist/aide/comfort/serve/support/give/protect to those who suffer or are in pain.

Mammals (including humans) only drink milk from the breast of their own mother and that for adults, milk and dairy products are unhealthy (and addictive) : The Scary New Science That Shows Milk Is Bad For You – Mother Jones; that cows suffer and live short lives of confinement Factory Farmed Cows, are often systematically mistreated (caution, graphic content: Cruelty at New York's Largest Dairy Farm - YouTube ); and that concentrated cow operations damage the environment Exclusive: undercover inside the US dairy industry - YouTube.

There is plenty of food for everyone, the questions are: how much of the food continue to be collected, transported, available and distributed?  Will only the rich and well-off get it?  How can equal and fair distribution be ensured?

Regarding the dumping of milk: the dumping of milk by dairies is not unheard of, and in this case, started weeks ago.  More concerning is the lack of a variety in the local growth of food in and around our village, and our utter dependence on the global economy, rather than our home and village economies, to sustain us; which is one reason we need to all be planning our permaculture victory gardens, supporting local_food including locally grown food, community-supported agriculturefarmers' marketsfood cooperatives, etc.  Food security comes from having our own food growing and stored right here, where we are.  By the way, we are not the first to have issues with the food supply, and Special Period illustrates ways to make it through.

Dairy Dumping Milk News

March 23
Wisconsin Farmers Brace For Impact Of Coronavirus | Wisconsin Public Radio

March 24
Foremost Farms asking farmers to voluntarily cut milk production

March 25
Agriculture responds to uncertain future
Go Into Dairy Loss Mitigation Mode NOW | Dairy Herd Management

March 26
COVID-19 economic stimulus might not be the last word on dairy aid; FMMO dumping contingencies released - Progressive Dairy

March 30
Don’t Worry About Supermarket Shelves. Worry About Farmers. | The New Republic

March 31
DNR prepares emergency milk disposal plan during COVID-19 emergency
Foremost Farms asks members to reduce milk supply as a precaution | Regional news |
COVID-19 outbreak causes uncertainty in dairy markets

April 1
Farmers dumping milk: 'We've never been asked to do this' | Coronavirus |

April 2
Farmers dump thousands of gallons of milk as companies like Walmart and Costco face shortages and limit purchases. Here is the reason for this infuriating disconnect., Business Insider - Business Insider Malaysia

April 3
Farmers forced to dump thousands of gallons of milk as demand drops due to outbreak | WHP

April 7
Schumer urges support for New York’s farms as milk dumped - News - The Dansville Online - Dansville, NY

National Milk Producers Federation Asking USDA For Help For Dairy Producers | Radio 570 WNAX

Global Food System Shock

More concerning to me is the food being left to rot in fields, and the fields that will not be planted:

What to Do

Which of course, brings us again to the third version of my essay on what you should be doing right now:  How to Keep Your Family Fed, and especially: only focus on food for yourself and those depend upon you, growing food and supporting those around you who grow it (see above), and building your network of friends and neighbors by offering them support, help, and if they need anything.

In the immediate term, the federal and state governments could ensure that all foods are picked.  This is being done in other countries, and probably was done in the USA in the past; and make it possible to rapidly develop local food systems (where "regulations" might stand in the way).

20200407143000 UTC Aaron Wayne Wissner


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