News 2020 04 04 April 4 Saturday
How to read:
1. skim
2. skim again, slower
3. skim yet again, slower still and then click on a few that are interesting, and read or watch
4. skim once again, and read a few more
5. share this post, if you haven't already
6. please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
This compilation of relevant and interesting news took me over four hours to put together, from 6:30 until 11:30 EDT :-)
What I need is just that good truthful information and hope be shared.
So, if you would #1 share this to "public" and to all of your groups; #2 react to it (not like) and #3 ask a question in the comments; that would be a gift :-)
-- Aaron Wayne Wissner
NEWS 2020 04 04 April 4 Saturday (posted on April 5 Sunday at 11:30 a.m. EDT)
Prof Steve Keen is creating realistic economics for the post-crash world | Patreon -- new post about exponential growth
This Is Where The World Is On The "Corona Curve" At This Moment | Zero Hedge -- interesting, but it does not account for the very likely "double hump" that will occur in most countries
From 'Nightmare' To 'Surprisingly Seamless' - Small Business Owners Describe COVID-19 Bailout Experiences | Zero Hedge -- as expected, the SBA Paycheck Protection Program for small businesses is a hit or miss
"Medical Supply Arbitrage": How Hordes Of Middle Men, Profiteers & Scammers Massively Inflated Prices Of N95s | Zero Hedge -- "middlemen" find "cheap" masks in one place, and sell them for the going price -- contributing to the shortage in hospitals
What Will The Future Bring? Here's How To Survive The Uncertainty | Zero Hedge -- some reasonable tips for those having trouble adjusting to this "new normal" -- make plans every day, don't lay around watching TV all day (or playing on the phone); prepare for what you can (yes); don't consume a constant diet of bad news (read positives as well, play a part in them, meditate, journal, learn other stuff, etc.); enjoy making healthful, home-cooked meals; work on some projects you never had time to do before; spend time outdoors (even if it is chilly or drizzly); find something to be thankful for as often as possible; find something to anticipate; stop focusing on things going back to "normal" -- take one day at a time :-)
The Five Things You Absolutely Cannot Say About COVID-19 | Zero Hedge -- James points out a few things that are becoming thought-crimes, but there are undoubtedly others that we have yet to recognize --- oh, perhaps the one that "we will not (or even, might not) ever be ever returning to the 'old normal' " -- not many people seem ready to consider that, or to be looking for ways that life can be better after "The Event" as James puts it
DJIA | Dow Jones Industrial Average Advanced Charts | MarketWatch -- Thought: Who is buying the stocks right now. There are still definitely sales going on, but who is buying? China? Billionaires? The fed? Pension funds? Something "fishy" happened when the market stopped collapsing... perhaps that is a "no talkie" item as well. Perhaps it is better that everyone believe that the markets are stable, when it is really just smoke and mirrors
Zero Hedge | On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero -- Zero Hedge has more articles, but I only selected the ones that I found most relevant --- just like Zero Hedge did, but you can see all of them here
la Repubblica - News in tempo reale - Le notizie e i video di politica, cronaca, economia, sport -- La Repubblica from Italy, headlines -- Everyone encouraged to were masks, and required when in public in some areas; intensive care numbers (hopefully) starting to fall; bills - discussion of "lightening" rents, keeping on the electric and heat; shopping vouchers; business guarantees; providing as much money as necessary (Italy can't make money now, only the EU, so it is not "sovereign"); -- to read in English, open the page in Google Chrome, and click "Translate to English" in the top right
Coronavirus in India live updates: Total number of corona cases in India rises to 3374 and death toll climbs to 77; COVID-19 cases in in Andhra Pradesh rise to 220; 27 new cases -- relief camps and shelters being set up in all states; Ecuador VP apologizes after virus corpses left on streets in the city of Guayaquil; US requests India to "release Hydroxychloroquine order" which is a drug that might help CoViD 19 patients; -- Keep in mind that airborne viruses typically do not live as long in hot, hot dry climates, so the spread rate in India (at least the hot areas of India) will be slower than in the northern U.S or other chillier areas
At least 8 strains of the coronavirus have been identified | TheHill -- apparently the strains are about equal in how they impact people. The question is; if a person develops antibodies to one strain, will those antibodies recognize different strains, or will it be more like how the influenza virus is different enough each year that flu shots have to be updated every year
Nextstrain / ncov -- There are 8 major strains of the coronavirus so far; the USA is primarily the "red" strain; press "play" to see the spread over the time of about a minute; notice that the circle just represent the number of confirmed cases in the country, NOT where in the country the cases actually originated
Ankle monitors ordered for Kentucky residents refusing quarantine after coronavirus exposure | TheHill -- One needs to wonder the exact perspective of "The Hill", but I doubt that the ankle monitors is false. Kentucky coronavirus: Some residents are refusing to self-isolate to wear ankle monitors - CNN -- In other news, for those already recovered from the virus, eventually, people may be asked to carry a card which indicates that, so they can work among others (ref Bill Gates)
How the Covid-19 crisis locked Airbnb out of its own homes | Technology | The Guardian -- people speculating that making "Air BnBs" and "VRBO" are hurting (or will be soon) as no one rents; and yet they'll feel compelled to still pay the mortgage bills for the improvements they've made to their listings; an their dream of living off the rental income; Top 50 Manistee Vacation Rentals | -- Clearly, the VRBO web site lies, no place is popular right now; Manistee · Stays · Airbnb -- and here are the people in just one area who will be directly impacted
Revealed: Monsanto predicted crop system would damage US farms | US news | The Guardian -- millions of acres of US farmland have become overrun with weeds resistant to Monsanto’s glyphosate-based weedkillers -- Which is yet another reason everyone should be starting a permaculture victory garden, supporting local growers (within 1 or 2 miles of home especially), etc
Coronavirus Tip: How To Make A Mask With Just A Bandana, Hair Ties And Essential Oils - YouTube -- Home mask for with a bandanna and a couple of hair bands Make a protective mask at home with just a bandana and two hair bobbles | Metro News
A reminder, at this point, our families and ancestors made it through every single pandemic in history, as well as every economic collapse; and we will make it through this one.
The Radical Imagination | Imagining How the World of Finance Really Works - YouTube -- start at 9:00 or 9:11 -- classical economist Michael Hudson -- An interesting historical prospective on this is provided by Michael Hudson, a leading world historian who points out that lots and lots of debts are going to be excused this time around, just like in past economic collapses:
How long will it take for life to return to normal? No one knows for sure -- If it takes months for Hawaii to hit it's peak, then anyone traveling to/from Hawaii will be capable of carrying the virus with them; so if it is not eradicated globally, by a global shutdown of say 1-month, then it will just keep popping up; although if most of a population been infected, it would not spread very fast. On the other hand, a population that locked down completely now, will be at risk of an internal outbreak later... Unless a cure is found
China Uncensored - YouTube -- Chris Chappell, the reporter here, is paying particular attention to the news out of China. I don't know what his motivation is; I haven't met him or "fought him" to know him; but I don't know if it is a bad idea to hear his commentary, if only for something to wonder about. Chris also has this channel: America Uncovered - YouTube -- so, how trustworthy and truthful is Chris?
Congress Battles Over Coronavirus Cash - YouTube -- The only thing we really need right now is food, meds, and to be able to get to the hospital if someone in our family gets sick (well, electricity, fuel and telecommunications as well) - So, that's where the money should be going, in fact, it should be going here: How to Keep Your Family Fed
Debt Rattle April 4 2020 - The Automatic Earth -- Again, there are more articles in here, but I selected out (above) the most relevant and news; but there are certainly other topics you might want to see, including some insights in the comments at bottom
This nurse demonstrates just how fast germs spread even if you're wearing gloves - CNN -- Scroll down to see a soon-to-be-viral video from Molly Lixey about how easily gloves can transmit contamination -- fantastic, kudos for Molly for sharing :-) Direct link: Facebook, already 50,000 shares and 762,000 views :-) "Meijer", by the way, is a Michigan based grocery store chain
April 4 coronavirus news - CNN -- 99 posts from Saturday including: don't go out now, if you can help it; banks "having issues" processing PPP applications; rain ponchos and garbage bats uses as medical gowns in USA; calls for anyone that can help in hospitals to volunteer already 85,000 medical volunteers in New York; senator Bill Cassidy is the first in congress to suggest a "coronavirus registry" to know who has recovered from it; no baby boom likely (although that is going to access to birth control, and of course, that is not equally distributed income wise); restaurants preparing meals for the hungry and needy; In the 1918 flu pandemic, not wearing a mask was illegal in some parts of America. What changed? - CNN; Doctors say India must prepare for an 'onslaught' as Asia's biggest slum reports first coronavirus death - CNN -- look at this video to see how the virus may have recently spread in India; states spending much more than revenue (will need federal support or their own state banks);
Coronavirus live updates: Global deaths pass 60,000 - CNN; 38 posts so far on Sunday, mostly news from Saturday; "Be skeptical of any claim [the "private sector"] will recover quickly"; Ecuador coronavirus: Bodies are being left in the streets in an overwhelmed city - CNN -- also seen above from the India news; mortuaries in New Orleans are full;
How the cell phones of spring breakers who flouted coronavirus warnings were tracked - CNN -- thought provoking, if you haven't seen this yet
Queen's coronavirus speech: What time is tonight's address? -- Her address will be at 3:00 p.m. EDT Coronavirus: Why the Queen's message will be about unity - BBC News, only her fifth address to the public ever... List of addresses to the nation by the British monarch - Wikipedia; this address by King George VI at the entry of the Empire into war with the Nazi's reflects that the role of the monarch: HM King George VI - Empire Day Address - 24 May 1940 - YouTube; and the Queen's address regarding the death of Diana 5 september 1997 queen elizabeth diana - YouTube; and Prince Charles address on the coronavirus from earlier this week
The Prince of Wales sends a message on the Coronavirus pandemic - YouTube -- thanks to the medical workers and shop workers and the volunteers
Coronavirus pandemic: Tracking the global outbreak - BBC News -- Take with a teaspoon of salt; all statistics lie; for example, the "number recovered" is not the same as "numbered coming off ventilators" which is only about 50%
Michigan college football coaches brace for the worst with coronavirus -- What would socially distanced no-contact football look like?
Chinese create extra 'emotion will' apart from legacy - CGTN -- keep in mind that individual people, Chinese, etc are not the same as the organizations to which they are bound
There Are NO 'Slow Viruses' Just 'Slow Virologists'
Why Talking About Our Problems Helps So Much (and How to Do It) - The New York Times -- Here I am "talking" about the problem; and you're listening; not just to me; but to all the people who created the content above and below
Earth is healing with decrease in Air Pollution amid lockdowns - YouTube -- the future can be better than the past was, in many, many ways
Coronavirus: Being blind during the pandemic - BBC News
Location Data Says It All: Staying at Home During Coronavirus Is a Luxury - The New York Times -- exactly, not everyone can afford 2-weeks of food, or to not worry about the bills being taken care of; a couple of really interesting graphs; on average the "rich" got out of harms way at least 3 days before the "poor";
The Next FDR - How Bernie Sanders Will Win the Democratic Primary and the Presidency -- Yes, I support the guy who supports the poor, go figure :-) I believe people are all inherently good, kind, compassionate, and that this is instinctual; and I believe in helping all to survive, live, find life and happiness
U.S. Alcohol Sales Increase 55 Percent in One Week Amid Coronavirus Pandemic -- also up, domestic violence :-(
The next pandemic is already coming, unless humans change how we interact with wildlife, scientists say - The Washington Post
Arundhati Roy: ‘The pandemic is a portal’ | Financial Times -- another deep thought / big picture
Opinion | What Happens if America’s 2.5 Million Farmworkers Get Sick? - The New York Times -- (this article is blocked by a paywall) -- then those non-farmworkers (everybody else) who live closest will need to go pick, and get paid that same day by debit card increase; even if it is just a single 5-hour shift per week
22 Banana Recipes: Ways to Use Ripe Bananas | Forks Over Knives -- I have a dozen ready right now :-)
Mexico's President Has No Interest in Bailing Out Big Companies and Banks, Says the Poor Must Be Rescued -- precisely, because banks are part of the public sector, like the water supply, not the private sector
Stephanie Kelton: MMT, the Crisis, and the Real Economy - YouTube -- Stephanie has a good perspective on money, which is the first step for understanding where it comes from and where it needs to be going; and, to my knowledge, she is not yet an energy economist, so her perspective still isn't the biggest big picture -- check my research yesterday for more on that (see below)
If you imagine that a local business making surgical face masks is working 24/7, guess again -- the future is local production for local consumption of critical products, goods, services
When, and How, Does the Coronavirus Pandemic End?: QuickTake - Bloomberg -- 60 to 90 percent of people may need to be infected before the virus is extinguished
Be Independent - Om "Market Solutions" to the Crisis -- Cliff Sommers has taken some time to reflect on why everything is failing; this is a long read, but there certainly is an audience out there for it
The Radical Imagination | Imagining How the World of Finance Really Works - YouTube
Domestic violence cases jump 30% during lockdown in France | Euronews
A letter from a Michigan hospital system details who would get life-saving resources if equipment is short during the coronavirus pandemic - CNN
Trudeau threatens retaliation after Trump keeps shipment of masks intended for Canadian doctors | The Independent -- we're all in this together, but the "market economy" doesn't provide for means of efficiently distributing scarce resources
Coronavirus brutally exposes the fallacies underlying Neoclassical economics and globalization | Prof Steve Keen on Patreon
Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) - MDCalc
Comorbidities and multi-organ injuries in the treatment of COVID-19 - The Lancet
Severity-of-coronavirus-cases-in-China-1 - Coronavirus disease 2019 - Wikipedia
--- so if the case fatality rate is 2.3% then in the USA of 327.2 million people, that is about 7.5 million; although it should be less than that, because not everyone will be infected, say only 60%? and there are the cases that were never identified, say 50%? so the actual number might be closer to 2.2 million, just using those guesstimates -- although that assumes that all those who need ventilators get them so that at least 1/2 of them recover
Coronavirus disease 2019 - Wikipedia
Planned home compared with planned hospital births: mode of delivery and Perinatal mortality rates, an observational study
Pandemic - Wikipedia
Debt Rattle April 5 2020 - The Automatic Earth -- Another good compilation by Raul, several of his posts are already up above, but worth skimming anyway; landlords cancel rents; exponential growth; hospitals on the brink; Raul does not think the Queen is doing right by us, I just think her speech will be another thing to keep in mind; yes, Julian Assange should be released, as should all the political prisoners and "drug" offenders, at the very least;
Danielle DiMartino Booth on Twitter: "In the event you haven’t seen this, trust me when I say the language barrier is no problem. Watch to the end. As my mom said upon seeing, necessity is the mother of invention. Clearly that’s the case in my grandparents’ home. Thanks to my dear friend Maryanne Waldman for sharing" / Twitter -- What if there were face masks, self adhering, perfectly clean and new, in millions of homes around the world... and yet they weren't labeled "face masks" but rather "sanitary napkins"? What if the packaging were changed to call them "adhesive face masks"? Re-branding.
Research 2020 04 04 April 4 Saturday for Aaron Wayne Wissner -- So, between yesterday's news post (News 2020 04 03 April 3 Friday) and today's (this page) what was I reading and learning that wasn't current news? Focused on figuring out more about energy economics; and how to get this blog go viral...So, if you would #1 share this to "public" and to all of your groups; #2 react to it (not like) and #3 ask a question in the comments; that would be a gift :-) Then keep reading below :-)
New Images / Viral Memes
Apologies that there are some gaps or overlaps, Blogger is not behaving as I had hoped
Argument from incredulity - Wikipedia -- the appeal to common sense is a logical fallacy; don't trust "common sense", instead, think critically about all it suggests; also see Divine fallacy - Wikipedia
Who have you been a companion to today?
Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) - MDCalc
Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. What I need is just that good truthful information and hope be shared. So, if you would #1 share this to "public" and to all of your groups; #2 react to it (not like) and #3 ask a question in the comments; that would be a gift :-)
Join me on Facebook :-)
Aaron W. Wissner -- links to all my sites, including this one :-)
20200405142200 Aaron Wayne Wissner
1. skim
2. skim again, slower
3. skim yet again, slower still and then click on a few that are interesting, and read or watch
4. skim once again, and read a few more
5. share this post, if you haven't already
6. please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
This compilation of relevant and interesting news took me over four hours to put together, from 6:30 until 11:30 EDT :-)
What I need is just that good truthful information and hope be shared.
So, if you would #1 share this to "public" and to all of your groups; #2 react to it (not like) and #3 ask a question in the comments; that would be a gift :-)
-- Aaron Wayne Wissner
NEWS 2020 04 04 April 4 Saturday (posted on April 5 Sunday at 11:30 a.m. EDT)
Prof Steve Keen is creating realistic economics for the post-crash world | Patreon -- new post about exponential growth
This Is Where The World Is On The "Corona Curve" At This Moment | Zero Hedge -- interesting, but it does not account for the very likely "double hump" that will occur in most countries
From 'Nightmare' To 'Surprisingly Seamless' - Small Business Owners Describe COVID-19 Bailout Experiences | Zero Hedge -- as expected, the SBA Paycheck Protection Program for small businesses is a hit or miss
"Medical Supply Arbitrage": How Hordes Of Middle Men, Profiteers & Scammers Massively Inflated Prices Of N95s | Zero Hedge -- "middlemen" find "cheap" masks in one place, and sell them for the going price -- contributing to the shortage in hospitals
What Will The Future Bring? Here's How To Survive The Uncertainty | Zero Hedge -- some reasonable tips for those having trouble adjusting to this "new normal" -- make plans every day, don't lay around watching TV all day (or playing on the phone); prepare for what you can (yes); don't consume a constant diet of bad news (read positives as well, play a part in them, meditate, journal, learn other stuff, etc.); enjoy making healthful, home-cooked meals; work on some projects you never had time to do before; spend time outdoors (even if it is chilly or drizzly); find something to be thankful for as often as possible; find something to anticipate; stop focusing on things going back to "normal" -- take one day at a time :-)
The Five Things You Absolutely Cannot Say About COVID-19 | Zero Hedge -- James points out a few things that are becoming thought-crimes, but there are undoubtedly others that we have yet to recognize --- oh, perhaps the one that "we will not (or even, might not) ever be ever returning to the 'old normal' " -- not many people seem ready to consider that, or to be looking for ways that life can be better after "The Event" as James puts it
DJIA | Dow Jones Industrial Average Advanced Charts | MarketWatch -- Thought: Who is buying the stocks right now. There are still definitely sales going on, but who is buying? China? Billionaires? The fed? Pension funds? Something "fishy" happened when the market stopped collapsing... perhaps that is a "no talkie" item as well. Perhaps it is better that everyone believe that the markets are stable, when it is really just smoke and mirrors
Zero Hedge | On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero -- Zero Hedge has more articles, but I only selected the ones that I found most relevant --- just like Zero Hedge did, but you can see all of them here
la Repubblica - News in tempo reale - Le notizie e i video di politica, cronaca, economia, sport -- La Repubblica from Italy, headlines -- Everyone encouraged to were masks, and required when in public in some areas; intensive care numbers (hopefully) starting to fall; bills - discussion of "lightening" rents, keeping on the electric and heat; shopping vouchers; business guarantees; providing as much money as necessary (Italy can't make money now, only the EU, so it is not "sovereign"); -- to read in English, open the page in Google Chrome, and click "Translate to English" in the top right
Coronavirus in India live updates: Total number of corona cases in India rises to 3374 and death toll climbs to 77; COVID-19 cases in in Andhra Pradesh rise to 220; 27 new cases -- relief camps and shelters being set up in all states; Ecuador VP apologizes after virus corpses left on streets in the city of Guayaquil; US requests India to "release Hydroxychloroquine order" which is a drug that might help CoViD 19 patients; -- Keep in mind that airborne viruses typically do not live as long in hot, hot dry climates, so the spread rate in India (at least the hot areas of India) will be slower than in the northern U.S or other chillier areas
At least 8 strains of the coronavirus have been identified | TheHill -- apparently the strains are about equal in how they impact people. The question is; if a person develops antibodies to one strain, will those antibodies recognize different strains, or will it be more like how the influenza virus is different enough each year that flu shots have to be updated every year
Nextstrain / ncov -- There are 8 major strains of the coronavirus so far; the USA is primarily the "red" strain; press "play" to see the spread over the time of about a minute; notice that the circle just represent the number of confirmed cases in the country, NOT where in the country the cases actually originated
Ankle monitors ordered for Kentucky residents refusing quarantine after coronavirus exposure | TheHill -- One needs to wonder the exact perspective of "The Hill", but I doubt that the ankle monitors is false. Kentucky coronavirus: Some residents are refusing to self-isolate to wear ankle monitors - CNN -- In other news, for those already recovered from the virus, eventually, people may be asked to carry a card which indicates that, so they can work among others (ref Bill Gates)
How the Covid-19 crisis locked Airbnb out of its own homes | Technology | The Guardian -- people speculating that making "Air BnBs" and "VRBO" are hurting (or will be soon) as no one rents; and yet they'll feel compelled to still pay the mortgage bills for the improvements they've made to their listings; an their dream of living off the rental income; Top 50 Manistee Vacation Rentals | -- Clearly, the VRBO web site lies, no place is popular right now; Manistee · Stays · Airbnb -- and here are the people in just one area who will be directly impacted
Revealed: Monsanto predicted crop system would damage US farms | US news | The Guardian -- millions of acres of US farmland have become overrun with weeds resistant to Monsanto’s glyphosate-based weedkillers -- Which is yet another reason everyone should be starting a permaculture victory garden, supporting local growers (within 1 or 2 miles of home especially), etc
Coronavirus Tip: How To Make A Mask With Just A Bandana, Hair Ties And Essential Oils - YouTube -- Home mask for with a bandanna and a couple of hair bands Make a protective mask at home with just a bandana and two hair bobbles | Metro News
A reminder, at this point, our families and ancestors made it through every single pandemic in history, as well as every economic collapse; and we will make it through this one.
The Radical Imagination | Imagining How the World of Finance Really Works - YouTube -- start at 9:00 or 9:11 -- classical economist Michael Hudson -- An interesting historical prospective on this is provided by Michael Hudson, a leading world historian who points out that lots and lots of debts are going to be excused this time around, just like in past economic collapses:
How long will it take for life to return to normal? No one knows for sure -- If it takes months for Hawaii to hit it's peak, then anyone traveling to/from Hawaii will be capable of carrying the virus with them; so if it is not eradicated globally, by a global shutdown of say 1-month, then it will just keep popping up; although if most of a population been infected, it would not spread very fast. On the other hand, a population that locked down completely now, will be at risk of an internal outbreak later... Unless a cure is found
China Uncensored - YouTube -- Chris Chappell, the reporter here, is paying particular attention to the news out of China. I don't know what his motivation is; I haven't met him or "fought him" to know him; but I don't know if it is a bad idea to hear his commentary, if only for something to wonder about. Chris also has this channel: America Uncovered - YouTube -- so, how trustworthy and truthful is Chris?
Congress Battles Over Coronavirus Cash - YouTube -- The only thing we really need right now is food, meds, and to be able to get to the hospital if someone in our family gets sick (well, electricity, fuel and telecommunications as well) - So, that's where the money should be going, in fact, it should be going here: How to Keep Your Family Fed
Debt Rattle April 4 2020 - The Automatic Earth -- Again, there are more articles in here, but I selected out (above) the most relevant and news; but there are certainly other topics you might want to see, including some insights in the comments at bottom
This nurse demonstrates just how fast germs spread even if you're wearing gloves - CNN -- Scroll down to see a soon-to-be-viral video from Molly Lixey about how easily gloves can transmit contamination -- fantastic, kudos for Molly for sharing :-) Direct link: Facebook, already 50,000 shares and 762,000 views :-) "Meijer", by the way, is a Michigan based grocery store chain
April 4 coronavirus news - CNN -- 99 posts from Saturday including: don't go out now, if you can help it; banks "having issues" processing PPP applications; rain ponchos and garbage bats uses as medical gowns in USA; calls for anyone that can help in hospitals to volunteer already 85,000 medical volunteers in New York; senator Bill Cassidy is the first in congress to suggest a "coronavirus registry" to know who has recovered from it; no baby boom likely (although that is going to access to birth control, and of course, that is not equally distributed income wise); restaurants preparing meals for the hungry and needy; In the 1918 flu pandemic, not wearing a mask was illegal in some parts of America. What changed? - CNN; Doctors say India must prepare for an 'onslaught' as Asia's biggest slum reports first coronavirus death - CNN -- look at this video to see how the virus may have recently spread in India; states spending much more than revenue (will need federal support or their own state banks);
Coronavirus live updates: Global deaths pass 60,000 - CNN; 38 posts so far on Sunday, mostly news from Saturday; "Be skeptical of any claim [the "private sector"] will recover quickly"; Ecuador coronavirus: Bodies are being left in the streets in an overwhelmed city - CNN -- also seen above from the India news; mortuaries in New Orleans are full;
How the cell phones of spring breakers who flouted coronavirus warnings were tracked - CNN -- thought provoking, if you haven't seen this yet
Queen's coronavirus speech: What time is tonight's address? -- Her address will be at 3:00 p.m. EDT Coronavirus: Why the Queen's message will be about unity - BBC News, only her fifth address to the public ever... List of addresses to the nation by the British monarch - Wikipedia; this address by King George VI at the entry of the Empire into war with the Nazi's reflects that the role of the monarch: HM King George VI - Empire Day Address - 24 May 1940 - YouTube; and the Queen's address regarding the death of Diana 5 september 1997 queen elizabeth diana - YouTube; and Prince Charles address on the coronavirus from earlier this week
The Prince of Wales sends a message on the Coronavirus pandemic - YouTube -- thanks to the medical workers and shop workers and the volunteers
Priorities for the Next Coronavirus Relief Package -- "Suspend Monthly Payments -- Suspend monthly expenses like rent, mortgage payments, medical debt, and consumer debt collection for four months. We must ensure that these payments are not deferred, coming due as soon as the emergency is lifted, but completely suspended. Cancel all student loan payments for the duration of this crisis. Place an immediate moratorium on evictions, foreclosures, and utility shut-offs. No one should lose their home during this crisis and everyone must have access to clean water, electricity, heat and air conditioning. And we must restore utility services to any customers who have had their utilities shut off." -- Again, reference my list here: How to Keep Your Family Fed
As coronavirus spreads, undocumented immigrants are losing jobs with no financial safety net - The Boston Globe -- It's too late to evict people now, we're all in this together, they are people, they are here, and we will have to do what we can to keep them healthy and safe, and if essential workers, working.
Health Care CEO Who Makes Millions Says No to Hazard Pay for Coronavirus Workers – Mother Jones -- *grr*
17 Perennial Vegetables to Plant Once for Years of Bounty -- Great for the permaculture victory gardens! :-)
17 Perennial Vegetables to Plant Once for Years of Bounty -- Great for the permaculture victory gardens! :-)
The Great Change: The Great Pause, Week Two -- Probably the big thought of the day, which I'll be revisiting :-)
Coronavirus: Should the homeless go to a shelter or stay outside? -- Should there be both homeless and billionaires in the same world? Why?
Coronavirus: Should the homeless go to a shelter or stay outside? -- Should there be both homeless and billionaires in the same world? Why?
Michigan college football coaches brace for the worst with coronavirus -- What would socially distanced no-contact football look like?
Chinese create extra 'emotion will' apart from legacy - CGTN -- keep in mind that individual people, Chinese, etc are not the same as the organizations to which they are bound
There Are NO 'Slow Viruses' Just 'Slow Virologists'
Why Talking About Our Problems Helps So Much (and How to Do It) - The New York Times -- Here I am "talking" about the problem; and you're listening; not just to me; but to all the people who created the content above and below
Earth is healing with decrease in Air Pollution amid lockdowns - YouTube -- the future can be better than the past was, in many, many ways
Coronavirus: Being blind during the pandemic - BBC News
Location Data Says It All: Staying at Home During Coronavirus Is a Luxury - The New York Times -- exactly, not everyone can afford 2-weeks of food, or to not worry about the bills being taken care of; a couple of really interesting graphs; on average the "rich" got out of harms way at least 3 days before the "poor";
The Next FDR - How Bernie Sanders Will Win the Democratic Primary and the Presidency -- Yes, I support the guy who supports the poor, go figure :-) I believe people are all inherently good, kind, compassionate, and that this is instinctual; and I believe in helping all to survive, live, find life and happiness
U.S. Alcohol Sales Increase 55 Percent in One Week Amid Coronavirus Pandemic -- also up, domestic violence :-(
The next pandemic is already coming, unless humans change how we interact with wildlife, scientists say - The Washington Post
Arundhati Roy: ‘The pandemic is a portal’ | Financial Times -- another deep thought / big picture
Opinion | What Happens if America’s 2.5 Million Farmworkers Get Sick? - The New York Times -- (this article is blocked by a paywall) -- then those non-farmworkers (everybody else) who live closest will need to go pick, and get paid that same day by debit card increase; even if it is just a single 5-hour shift per week
22 Banana Recipes: Ways to Use Ripe Bananas | Forks Over Knives -- I have a dozen ready right now :-)
Mexico's President Has No Interest in Bailing Out Big Companies and Banks, Says the Poor Must Be Rescued -- precisely, because banks are part of the public sector, like the water supply, not the private sector
Stephanie Kelton: MMT, the Crisis, and the Real Economy - YouTube -- Stephanie has a good perspective on money, which is the first step for understanding where it comes from and where it needs to be going; and, to my knowledge, she is not yet an energy economist, so her perspective still isn't the biggest big picture -- check my research yesterday for more on that (see below)
If you imagine that a local business making surgical face masks is working 24/7, guess again -- the future is local production for local consumption of critical products, goods, services
When, and How, Does the Coronavirus Pandemic End?: QuickTake - Bloomberg -- 60 to 90 percent of people may need to be infected before the virus is extinguished
Be Independent - Om "Market Solutions" to the Crisis -- Cliff Sommers has taken some time to reflect on why everything is failing; this is a long read, but there certainly is an audience out there for it
The Radical Imagination | Imagining How the World of Finance Really Works - YouTube
Domestic violence cases jump 30% during lockdown in France | Euronews
A letter from a Michigan hospital system details who would get life-saving resources if equipment is short during the coronavirus pandemic - CNN
Trudeau threatens retaliation after Trump keeps shipment of masks intended for Canadian doctors | The Independent -- we're all in this together, but the "market economy" doesn't provide for means of efficiently distributing scarce resources
Coronavirus brutally exposes the fallacies underlying Neoclassical economics and globalization | Prof Steve Keen on Patreon
Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) - MDCalc
Comorbidities and multi-organ injuries in the treatment of COVID-19 - The Lancet
Severity-of-coronavirus-cases-in-China-1 - Coronavirus disease 2019 - Wikipedia
--- so if the case fatality rate is 2.3% then in the USA of 327.2 million people, that is about 7.5 million; although it should be less than that, because not everyone will be infected, say only 60%? and there are the cases that were never identified, say 50%? so the actual number might be closer to 2.2 million, just using those guesstimates -- although that assumes that all those who need ventilators get them so that at least 1/2 of them recover
Coronavirus disease 2019 - Wikipedia
Planned home compared with planned hospital births: mode of delivery and Perinatal mortality rates, an observational study
Pandemic - Wikipedia
Debt Rattle April 5 2020 - The Automatic Earth -- Another good compilation by Raul, several of his posts are already up above, but worth skimming anyway; landlords cancel rents; exponential growth; hospitals on the brink; Raul does not think the Queen is doing right by us, I just think her speech will be another thing to keep in mind; yes, Julian Assange should be released, as should all the political prisoners and "drug" offenders, at the very least;
Danielle DiMartino Booth on Twitter: "In the event you haven’t seen this, trust me when I say the language barrier is no problem. Watch to the end. As my mom said upon seeing, necessity is the mother of invention. Clearly that’s the case in my grandparents’ home. Thanks to my dear friend Maryanne Waldman for sharing" / Twitter -- What if there were face masks, self adhering, perfectly clean and new, in millions of homes around the world... and yet they weren't labeled "face masks" but rather "sanitary napkins"? What if the packaging were changed to call them "adhesive face masks"? Re-branding.
Research 2020 04 04 April 4 Saturday for Aaron Wayne Wissner -- So, between yesterday's news post (News 2020 04 03 April 3 Friday) and today's (this page) what was I reading and learning that wasn't current news? Focused on figuring out more about energy economics; and how to get this blog go viral...So, if you would #1 share this to "public" and to all of your groups; #2 react to it (not like) and #3 ask a question in the comments; that would be a gift :-) Then keep reading below :-)
New Images / Viral Memes
Apologies that there are some gaps or overlaps, Blogger is not behaving as I had hoped
Argument from incredulity - Wikipedia -- the appeal to common sense is a logical fallacy; don't trust "common sense", instead, think critically about all it suggests; also see Divine fallacy - Wikipedia
Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. What I need is just that good truthful information and hope be shared. So, if you would #1 share this to "public" and to all of your groups; #2 react to it (not like) and #3 ask a question in the comments; that would be a gift :-)
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Aaron W. Wissner -- links to all my sites, including this one :-)
20200405142200 Aaron Wayne Wissner
Thanks Aaron. I found this a useful compilation and hope you continue it. I have a slight beef with the last graphic - 99% of deaths were in patients with pre-existing conditions. This has become a trending meme with the right wing denial set, including even some of my younger, healthier friends around the world. It is in the same category as those who think we should just buckle up and go for herd immunity like wildebeest leaping into a river full of crocodiles.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is, most people over 45 have some kind of pre-existing condition. How many of us did not have asthma in our lives? How many do not have high blood pressure? The older you are the more likely you are to have heart issues, chronic winter pneumonia, diabetes or one of the other indicators for CoV-19 mortal danger. That is not to say younger people are not also at fatal risk, but the math least favors the elderly.
I would prefer we all wear masks and use physical distancing. I protect you, you protect me, and we are both safe. The economy be damned. We will all learn some fundamentals of economics in this exercise, such as to distinguish real value from assigned value based upon suspect assumptions.
Thank you for listing my personal journal, The Great Change ( in this summary. I have been calling my pandemic series The Great Pause now, but still hopeful the Change will come.
Let's be more specific about the Italian data. They had around a 12% death rate. If the more 'normal ' rate is 2%, then they experienced a 10% excess. That makes it possible that 83% of their case fatalities could have been 'sick people' before we even start to look at comparable sized cohorts. Then, as is likely the case, the next half, an additional 1%, also had some sickness or co-morbidities. Now we are to 91% of the Italian cohort had initial problems, but corona virus still killed half the 'normal' death rate (1% of 2%), of healthy people. If you divide the 2% by 3/4, 3 sick dead to 1 healthy dead, that's 96% of their inflated cohort to as compared to a more normal kill ratio. Point being the healthy and young do die, and making comparisons to Italy's terrible death numbers should inspire confidence in no one. You can still be that last percent healthy person that dies anyway, and you don't know until your last struggling, waning gasp, when no one and nothing can save you!