
People Starve to Death while Millionaires Play

People Pray while Millionaires Play While "regular" people are at home, many worrying about the future, there are many millionaires. billionaires, and other owners who are "living it up" off the work of the workers, both in the past, the present, and the future This has led to hash tags such as #EatTheRich , and global division between those who have the wealth and power, and the people At this point, in June 2020, the frustration is spilling out in violence in many places around the world, people vs the state, life vs. control, as each of us is forced to sell our freedom, for a little more life; but the violence was directed not at the power centers, but instead, split between the Left and the Right, the Red and the Blue, the "Conservative" and the "Liberal", which lead to this admission: I was a racist, too Growing up in Bear... - Aaron W. Wissner | Facebook And now the rich have hoarded all they can, especially food, land, energy, and...

BEYOND the Planet of the Humans

Reflection on Michael Moore / Jeff Gibb's Earth Day 2020 film - The Plant of the Humans - and how it relates to the compassionate, altruistic, love based, "world savers" among us.  (I'm BCCing this to a few other folks as well :-)  If you haven't seen it, I imagine you will, or should, and then this reflection would make greater sense; the link is at the bottom in Jeff's email to me (and other BCCs).  -- Aaron 2020-05-04 updated -- Added reflection following a rebuttal by well known speaker in environmentalism (see below the letter). ******* Hi Jeff, I just finished watching your film, "The Planet of the Humans" at 2x speed, which is how I watch everything now-a-days due to so much information I'm trying to take in and make sense of each day.  I appreciate that you finally published it. I recall back in 2010 or 2011 or so, we were chatting about northern Michigan and the Local Future conferences, and if I notice correctly from the ...

Inside One Student's Day

Quarantine Day 42 and Absence Day 60 I've now been in quarantine for 42 days, and been absent from my regular routine for 60, nearly two months.  So, what did my day look like today? Well, I'll record this for myself, and you are welcome to read as well, if you are curious: 3 a.m. Wake up, go find my wife, invite her to come to sleep, she's having insomnia, and like a virus, it passes to me, and I get up, and go do some writing Write about a lot of the questions I have , at least 50, if not more Notice a few social media friends appear to be online, post a question: "Why are you awake right now?" Eventually, go back to bed, before sunrise, or perhaps once the first son awakens -- no alarms or wake up calls anymore... probably a good thing, for their sanity and happiness Dream that I wanted to go someplace far away, and then remembering that I could fly (not particularly well, not like Superman, my max speed in this dream seemed to be about 200 km/hr at...

List of a Few Things I'm Curious About Right Now

202004150712 What I Am Curious About a. How does my mental model of the universe explain protons, neutrons, light, gravity, forces, elementary particles?  What about black holes? b. What was Jesus doing before he became a teacher? Before his baptism and time in the desert? Was he a carpenter?  Who did he love? Who loved him? How many wives did he have? How many children did he have? Did he have a wife that died? A child? c. Who understands the cosmos the best?  Are they sharing their under understanding? Is it someone I'm already aware of? Are the ones who understand the cosmos (and everything) best communicating with one another? d. Is there a "battle" waging for those of us who desire absolute freedom for all, and those who desire absolute freedom for only themselves (and perhaps their circle of love)? Who is on the "side" of ultimate freedom?  Does B*ll G*t*s want to rule the world? Cause genocide? Hold on to power/freedom forever? Who else does?  What a...

Education, Teaching, Learning, Curiosity and Media During the Big Change

The big change has been going on now for a few months, in fact it has now been over two months for my household since we've been able to interact in person with family, friends, or community;other than brief and socially-distanced interactions with our neighbors. Our household consumes a lot of media, but most of it is educational in nature.  I love learning, as I believe all do, and use the Internet extensively, along with writing, making diagrams, and talking with others (especially family) to learn.  The rest of my household uses the internet in a similar way, my sons are learning, bit by bit, how to use it most effectively for self-directed learning, but a little at a time. My sons are both actively working on learning about monetary systems, and are making money systems ( complementary currencies ) that they can use inside, and eventually outside, the household. We already are using a local currency within the household called "screen pennies", which the sons e...

The Dumping of Milk 2020 04 07 The Need for Everyone to Grow Food

Suddenly, some are noticing that dairies are dumping milk in the dirt, rather than it being processed and sold.  Before learning more about this, a few critical understandings which will later become relevant: Everyone is inherently  altruistic , naturally feels  unconditional love , and is predisposed to  compassionate love  and, due to that,  nonviolence ; that this love is common between all animals (including humans) who care for their young; and I appreciate that love and non-violence are the basis of religions including Christianity, Judaism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. Everyone, at all times, has the  freedom to speak , express oneself, and to share things via recorded means (press); and in that in order for a family (or community, nation, etc.) to make informed decisions, this freedom must be protected; and that speaking  truth , which can be difficult for some, and which may be unpleasant to hear, should never be conceal...

News 2020 04 04 April 4 Saturday

How to read: 1. skim 2. skim again, slower 3. skim yet again, slower still and then click on a few that are interesting, and read or watch 4. skim once again, and read a few more 5. share this post, if you haven't already 6. please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. This compilation of relevant and interesting news took me over four hours to put together, from 6:30 until 11:30 EDT :-) What I need is just that good truthful information and hope be shared. So, if you would #1 share this to "public" and to all of your groups; #2 react to it (not like) and #3 ask a question in the comments; that would be a gift :-) -- Aaron Wayne Wissner NEWS 2020 04 04 April 4 Saturday (posted on April 5 Sunday at 11:30 a.m. EDT) Prof Steve Keen is creating realistic economics for the post-crash world | Patreon  -- new post about exponential growth This Is Where The World Is On The "Corona Curve" At This Moment | Zero Hedge  -- interesting, but i...