People Starve to Death while Millionaires Play

People Pray while Millionaires Play

While "regular" people are at home, many worrying about the future, there are many millionaires. billionaires, and other owners who are "living it up" off the work of the workers, both in the past, the present, and the future

This has led to hash tags such as #EatTheRich, and global division between those who have the wealth and power, and the people

At this point, in June 2020, the frustration is spilling out in violence in many places around the world, people vs the state, life vs. control, as each of us is forced to sell our freedom, for a little more life; but the violence was directed not at the power centers, but instead, split between the Left and the Right, the Red and the Blue, the "Conservative" and the "Liberal", which lead to this admission:

I was a racist, too Growing up in Bear... - Aaron W. Wissner | Facebook

And now the rich have hoarded all they can, especially food, land, energy, and money, and so they can live the high life, and be free from everything including laws; even as the poorest of us are left with not even enough to eat

Babies, Pregnant Mothers, Children, Elderly, and People go Hungry and Starve to Death

While Millionaires Buy Up Food, Land and Play
Understanding It All: Our Global Predicament
Supporting Voices
The Future of Belonging and Compassion
The Future of Health & Wellness

Additional Vlogs and Reflections by Aaron Wissner are available interspersed with these conversations:  Local Future - YouTube

202004201419 UTC Aaron Wayne Wissner -- Links to poverty & richess

202005301530 UTC Aaron Wayne Wissner -- Links to understand the predicament and the vision of the future


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