Why am I alive? The Film Reel Cosmos

Our universe is like an uncut film reel with us as the viewer

It's not a perfect analogy, but it reveals some mind blowing, paradigm changing truths

Consider an uncut recording of the planet Jupiter and it's moons, recorded by a space telescope for a month. If we watched it in fast forward, we would see the moons revolving around Jupiter, all at their own velocities, moving right to left, then left to right, each one further out, and each one taking longer to trace it's path. At the same time, the Great Red Spot would be spinning the way that it does

Now, take that uncut and continuous recording, and put it into the film projector. Project it on the wall at a constant rate. That is time.

Notice that the entire recording exists all at the same time, not just the projection we see on the screen. The projection just depends on which part of the film the lamp light is shining through.

If we were to watch the film, and someone was to say, "maybe one of those moons will go flying off into space!" you might answer, "no, it's like clockwork, and their motion are defined by mathematical principles alone"

And the same one might say, "but perhaps there will be a choice, and they'll go off this way, or perhaps the other", you might kindly realize that they thought this was a program, a video game, that was being run live. And so you would stop the film, and turn on the lights, and show them how a film reel works, and even take the film out of the machine to show them that ever image existed all at the same time

And that is the same with our universe, but instead of us watching and experiencing it from with only our eyes, as it is projected flat on a 2-dimensional wall; this cosmos is like the film reel, that already exists, all at the same time, but in this case, it is a fully 3-D film, and we are experiencing it with not just our eyes, but with all 33+ of our senses

And that we experience life in the same way that we would experience the recording of the Jupiter system. We are the viewer, and that is what we call "consciousness"

Which answers the question, "when I wake up, how do my thoughts start up again?" Well, that's just like closing your eyes while watching the film, and then opening them again

Does the viewer of the film have the ability to decide where the moons are going to travel next? No, of course not, just in the same way that we do not have the ability to change how our lives play out

But, some might still not believe that this could possibly be true. Don't we decide things?

No, just like the viewer of the film, who does not decide what will happen, we do not decide how our life will happen

In "your" brain, in order for a neuron to fire, the neuron must be charged up by incoming signals. Once it is charged up, then it can be fired. That firing is consciousness, that is the light by which we experience the cosmos. Notice, the signal had to build up FIRST, and the "decision" was made

So, when wondering why people do the things they do, recognize that that was just what was on this bit of film, and they had no more "control" over it than you do over your own life. Control is an illusion. Choice is an illusion. All there is to the cosmos is the film reel and the passive viewer

When thinking of my future, seconds from now, days from now, I now ask myself "What will I do?" "What will they do?"

I find it fascinating to watch this fully immersive 3-D, all sensory experience unfold

So, if you are still with me, and if you grasp the paradigm shifting realizing that we are the effect, and not the cause, of our lives; then we can more easily let go of the anger and frustration and confusion, sit back, relax, and enjoy this most amazing, and longest, and most interesting ride :-)

Video of Jupiter's Moons in Motion

Another, and more accurate analogy, is an LP record, which is one continuous grove from the outside to the inside. This is a better analogy because our cosmos is not made up a series of frames, but rather it is continuous and unbroken. As the turntable stylus sits in the grove, and it is it's motion that makes the sound wave we hear, so is our universe.

For a final example, imaging a theme park ride. Perhaps you are belted in, and hold your position. The questions when going into the ride the first time is: What will I see? How will it feel? Where will it come out?

Life is like a theme park ride, where will you go?


Model: The simplest possible cosmos consists of a one dimensional line intersecting a two dimensional plane. Since the probability of neither moving is zero, they are in motion in relation to one another. Since the probability of a line, vs a curve, is zero, the line is actually a near infinite long loop or ring. Since the probability of a flat plane with no curvature is zero, it must be curved ever slightly or the shape of a sphere. The visible universe then, and our experience of it, is the intersection of the two. Also, the probability that the circle is perfectly round is zero, which makes it an ellipse, and the probability of the shape of the sphere is perfectly round is also zero, which makes it a ellipsoid. It seems that the probability of each having a harmonic frequency, both the ellipse and the ellipsoid is equally zero, so both vibrate on a frequency that approaches infinity, but are certainly not the same. The probability that the radii are the same is equally zero. In the simplest case, the observer, if there could be one, would see two points projected, which vibrated like tiny strings, but which had opposite direction. How is this universe described then? To describe the universe, since we are starting with no units, they must be strictly ratios and, perhaps, angles of rotation/orientation, such as: ratios of radii, ratio of amplitude of vibration of circle to sphere. Notice the probability of this universe may be almost zero, but since it is still possible, it exists, as do all the others, and perhaps this is one of the most probable ones. And, causality (the speed of light) reflects the motion. I have some additional thoughts on this, as well as some currently open questions. Here are some helpful links for those interested in taking a fresh look at cosmology

Flatland - Wikipedia

The Elegant Universe | NOVA | PBS

Genius by Stephen Hawking - Wikipedia

Pi - Wikipedia

0 - Wikipedia

Consciousness - Wikipedia

Reflection: I've been wondering about the purpose and origin of life for the past forty years, and love learning about the biggest big picture of things, and never stopping a learning adventure because I think I've wandered past the edge of the discipline. I've long settled on the determinism as being reality, and about ten years ago simplified my conception of the universe to a pattern of stocks and flows of matter and energy in space through time. I had also already been visualizing some other concepts, such as how if the world were flat and stationary, and time were swapped for height, that as time played, we would trace out paths and that every one of our physical interactions would be as two paths, one for each of us, coming together and then coming apart, similar to the way that in some night shots of city traffic, you can see the paths of each vehicle. Finally, google maps "timeline" presents an interesting view, as one can view each days travel on the map. It would be interesting to see this projected into a 3-D frame, with the x-y base plane being the map, and the z upward direction being time, especially if we could add whatever people we wanted to. This new insight for me above alters mental model, and I'm still making the paradigm shift to understanding all the implications

202003251754000 Aaron Wayne Wissner


Autodidact Path of Discovery: reverse chronological

Global brain - Wikipedia

4:03 AM (13) Think you only have five senses? Wrong you may have 33 - YouTube www.youtube.com 4:03 AM (13) 33 senses - YouTube www.youtube.com 4:00 AM Neuroscience of free will - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:57 AM Manifold - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:56 AM 3-manifold - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:55 AM "what will we do" - Google Search www.google.com 3:54 AM (1) What's the difference between 'What I will do,' and 'What will I do” in English? - Quora www.quora.com 3:54 AM what we will do - Google Search www.google.com 3:52 AM Neuroscience of free will - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:52 AM free will - Google Search www.google.com 3:51 AM Asteroseismology - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 7:39 AM Asceticism - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:49 AM Musica universalis - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:49 AM musical universe theory - Google Search www.google.com 3:46 AM (13) The cognitive neuroscience of free will - YouTube www.youtube.com 3:46 AM (13) John-Dylan Haynes - YouTube www.youtube.com 3:45 AM (13) John-Dylan Haynes - YouTube www.youtube.com 3:45 AM Brain makes decisions before you even know it | Nature www.nature.com 3:43 AM Brane - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:42 AM Holographic principle - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:39 AM Shape of the universe - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:39 AM shape of the universe - Google Search www.google.com 3:38 AM "there are no boundaries" hawking - Google Search www.google.com 3:37 AM "there are no boundaries" - Google Search www.google.com 3:31 AM (13) Stephen Hawking's Last Speech - YouTube www.youtube.com 3:30 AM stephen hawking last talk - Google Search www.google.com 3:30 AM A smooth exit from eternal inflation? | SpringerLink link.springer.com 3:27 AM why are soap bubbles round - Google Search www.google.com 3:26 AM Manifold - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:26 AM Manifold - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:26 AM BoysSurfaceTopView.PNG (347×335) upload.wikimedia.org 3:23 AM (13) What is a manifold? - YouTube www.youtube.com 3:23 AM (13) mathematics manifold - YouTube www.youtube.com 3:23 AM Causal sets - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:22 AM Quantum cosmology - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:22 AM Loop quantum cosmology - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:21 AM Brane cosmology - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:20 AM String theory - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:19 AM D-brane - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:18 AM Cyclic model - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:17 AM Big Crunch - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:17 AM Bentley's paradox - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:16 AM Ultimate fate of the universe - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:16 AM ultimate fate of the universe wikipedia - Google Search www.google.com 3:12 AM Electron - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:12 AM wikipedia electron - Google Search www.google.com 3:12 AM how fast is an electron? - Google Search www.google.com 3:09 AM (13) 2-Minute Neuroscience: The Neuron - YouTube www.youtube.com 3:08 AM (13) neurons and how they work - YouTube www.youtube.com 3:08 AM YouTube www.youtube.com 3:08 AM Membrane potential - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:08 AM Neuron - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org 3:08 AM wikipedia nerve cell - Google Search www.google.com 3:07 AM how does a nerve cell work? - Google Search www.google.com 3:07 AM (13) Neurons or nerve cells - Structure function and types of neurons | Human Anatomy | 3D Biology - YouTube www.youtube.com 3:07 AM how does a nerve cell work? - Google Search www.google.com


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