What is going on? Unification
I - This is going to get bad. Real bad. Like the crap you can not imagine bad. Good people are going to start turning on each other. Distancing is not enough. Being able to protect your right to distance is! I hate to say it. In a civilized world you can call for help. Soon, if you can not help yourself. You are going to be screwed, because there is not going to be enough people to serve all that need. Those people with bad intentions know that too.
O - I feel like you think this sort of thing has never happened before. Our security lies in the size of our family. Our family is the size of our circle of trust.
I - I do trust them.. I trust them not to come. They will respect my space. I have been places, I have seen things. I know what people are capable of. I have seen some really bad things. Things you can not unsee. I am not going to bother anyone. I just want to be left alone. I want my space respected. I will protect that space. It is my most important right. My right to live!
O - I hear your fear.
You have seen things you can not unsee, heard things you can not unhear
You have lost faith in the innate goodness of humanity
Yet, humans, at their very core, in their genetic code, in their instincts, they are "good"; in the same was that a deer is good, and that the deer is good to other deer. Does this mean that the deer does not fight? Does this mean the deer does not flee? We all do, every one of we animals, we react to the stimulus of the world, and we do whatever we can do to ensure that our pattern, our genetic code, continues. It must be that way. It must be that the parent defends its child even in the face of certain death. This we call love
It is normal and healthy that you feel this anxiety, this stress, in light of what you see as an imminent threat to your children and wife; it could be no other way. This simply reflects the truth that you truly belong to them, in that, everything that they might need, or want, you will provide
And still, our perception of the threat must ever err on the side of excess. Just like the deer must startle and run before the threat is sure, so we must feel that instinct. And, the more that is unseen and uncertain, and the closer at hand the unknown feels, the more stress we feel
And fighting is right as well, as one buck fights another for the freedom to mate with the doe, and the freedom to roam about in search of her. This does not mean that one buck gangs up on another, or that either is likely to die, but things do come to blows, and the one who challenges, unless significantly stronger or luckier that day, the one who loses
And in this way, there is an edge between the absolute determination of true love, that trait, which is necessary for the survival of the wife and child, and the amount of additional strength that it would take for the challenger to overcome the defender even as the defender fights without end, and when the challenger wins, it is, yes very occasionally due to chance, but most often due to some trait, some mutation, that makes it stronger, or a more effective fighter, than the defender, and in this way, the species evolves, and grows more and more successful
What we will not see is a herd of deer working in concert to fight a single deer for access to his doe. And, we will not see a deer fighting to the death to defend a certain place. But we will see the deer are always in motion, responding to the stimuli of the world. What we will see is the deer staying with their families, and with their herd. Even in the forests, when they are spread out as they must be to graze, they are still one family, one heard, and when in the field, they will come together, and act as one, in a community of absolute trust, and one raises the alarm, the rest will confirm, and then respond in the most successful way, which is to run, not all together, but generally away from the danger. This danger, this threat, is not another deer, but it is the wolf
We are not the wolf, we are the deer, and perhaps this gets at the root of where your misconception lies, for success for the wolf looks different from the success of the deer. The wolf does not graze as does the deer. It does not eat the fruit of the tree, or the seed of the grass. It can only eat those short times when it has found a dead animal, or fought to claim it, or killed another itself. And, it will hunt in a pack, and hunt the herd of deer, for that is the most likely way of it having something to eat
Humans, while deer, will use their intelligence and communication to adopt the behaviors of the wolf, and their way of making a living. For example, the communities of humans who found themselves, in winter, unable to provide for their families the fruit and seed of the plant, knew the ways of the wolf, and took up the rock and the stick and the plan, as they must, in order to ensure the life and health of the wife and the child, and adopted the ways of the wolf, and, during the famine, hunt other animals
And, if the other animals were plentiful, like the a herd of caribou, and if the winter was long, then the humans developed skills, which carried on from one winter to the next, and kept the tools that were the most successful, at killing the caribou. And, once there was food at hand to graze upon; grass and seed, fruit and nut, fungi, they would no longer hunt the caribou, and so would stop following the herd, and instead again graze the land
In our world now, we are as those in human families, who in winter, hunted the caribou, and once killed, dragged the caribou home, and kept it there, close at hand, because it was their life, and their food, and their very essence. And, they would defend this against outside threats, for example the wolf who was unable to catch the caribou, but could smell the decaying one in the community of the humans. And, what happened, in the only way that it could, was that this lone wolf licked at the discarded scraps, and the bones, and the sinew of the caribou
Soon, the wolf, who became now like the deer, and grazed on the refuse of the humans, and then who barked at the approach of other wolves, helping the community to stay safe, this lone wolf became one of part of the community of the humans, and part of their families, and was welcomed into their homes, and touched and encouraged, and when eventually, this wolf became a mother, and her litter was with the humans, and the pups who were gentle and kind were preferred, and the ones who were not were fed less, and the ones that were strong were the ones that were friendlier, and less and less timid, and more and more willing to become like the deer, and feed what was provided by the humans. And this is domestication, which happened, and eventually, in this case, the wolves in the human communities evolved into dogs
Which is to say: the humans, who are deer, adopted the way of the wolf, to hunt the caribou; and the wolf, who hunted the caribou, adopted the way of the deer, and grazed on the remains of the caribou
Which explains why you feel the way you do
We are, all of us who are part of this civilization, live in the way of the wolf. We can no longer graze, for the grass and the seed, the fruit and the nut, the fungus as well, there is not enough in the world for us to provide for our family, and we know that we will have to fight if we broach the territory of another, and so there are property lines, and private property. And, to find food now, instead of moving about and grazing in the world, we adopt the way of the wolf, and go into the store, and bring home an abundance to keep at home, and thus we become the way we are now
And now that you fear that civilization will stop bringing enough food to your stores, you feel the threat, to the health and happiness of your wife and children
And what is now happening?
Firstly, you are not the only one who identified the threat. There are those of us who were aware of it years and years ago; and those who were aware years and years before still, and these we call "the survivalists"
And so, at this moment, there is abundance around you, in every home where one has identified this threat, and as we have seen over recent days, more and more have realized that a threat to their food supply is at hand, or at least, a threat to their money, which is currently the way in which we keep track of trust, using this technology of recording trust as numbers and on bills
And, in places where neighbors get to know one another, and become friendly, and grow to trust one another, they will, when need arises, share food, and become one family, and one community
And in places where the neighbors do not get to know one another, and who lock themselves inside, like "the survivalists", they will hide inside, and eat their food, and fear any threat, especially at night, and cling to their guns, which for them gives them a way to defend their food, in the same way that a wolf will defend a caribou carcass from the fox
And, since they stored up months of food, perhaps years of food, the ones that lock themselves away completely, will emerge months or years later, to find that there is now a changed world
For the ones who spoke with their neighbors, and joined the network of trust, they will have planted their gardens, and enjoyed a harvest feast, and worked together to keep those things that strengthened their community, and allowed them to form stronger and stronger social networks, sometimes called "safety nets", and so the Internet will be maintained, and the cell phones and computers will continue, and the electrical grid will remain, and any threats to this tools continuation will be identified and addressed
And, since those of us living now have little experience with gardening, and many have so little space, we will maintain the network through which energy from the sun is captured in plants on farms, and flows to our table at home, just like in the tree. And so that part of the food supply system, the transportation network over which the food flows to us, will also be maintained, and will improve in efficiency
The food supply network is the circulatory system, which brings both energy and matter (food) from the digestive system (the food processors) to the body, which is the cells. Each of us in this way is a cell
The communications network including the electricity system is the nervous system, which senses stimuli, and relays that to the brain, where decisions are made, and then responses sent back out to the body; and within this network, the decisions will be made by the network itself, as a consensus decision, just as it made the decision to forego all else in a bid to make enough hospital beds and respirators available for all who need them. This was decided, and now the brain, of which we are each cells, those of us humans who are "plugged in" and communicating in a two-way manner within it; and we, as the brain, tell the cells that are not being used to stop using energy (stop going to work and stay home), and those that are essential to the success of our goal, to provide beds and ventilators and health care, and to support those, are getting as much as they need as quickly as the body can ramp up production and reallocate resources
And, as this exponential growth curve of additions to the ICUs changes into a normal curve and hits its maximum and then declining gradually into a long tail, we will be able to see clearly
And, we will then find ourselves living in a much better, happier, joy-filled way, as we act as one to heal, to be able to trust all so perfectly that the concept of mistrust vanishes and only truth remain, and so we will recognize, first slowly, but then ever rapidly, that now everything is free, and the idea of property also vanishes, just like the idea of this certain blade of grass is never imagined to be owned (meaning, defended) by any particular deer; and that everything including land and animals are all free; and we will again become the way we evolved to be, and the way in which we find happiness, which is to live as one in a global family.
Facebook Link: I - This is going to get bad. Real bad. Like the... - Aaron W. Wissner
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