Birth Day 2020 - A Journey of 50 Years
Birth Day 2020
It is my birthday. I’m now 50. And, being halfway to 100, in a way, it feels like this ride is halfway over, and I wonder to myself, what will be next?
Looking back, I’ve always wanted to do something to make things better; something to help “save the world”. I think this feeling was always there. I remember back to when I was just starting to think of the answer to the question, “why are you here?”, and there were these TV commercials about the famine in Ethiopia, and not just commercials, but at church we also were encouraged to collect money in a “rice bowl” (made of paper folded into a box that looked sort of like a bowl with a top and a slit in the lid to put in coins) so that rice could be bought to feed the people there, and I had that rice bowl in my room, and I think I may have taken it by bus to the school, and I just wanted to be able to help the people
I was a bit of an odd duck at that time. My parents lived far back off the road, and my backyard was essentially a football sized field of sand, and ever since I was little, I would play in that sand, building roads, and mountains, and interesting structures; and I was, for those first seven years, an only child, and spending a lot of time alone; and that was not just when I was a little kid, but that habit of playing in the sand repeated each day, and each year, and I played alone, with as much free-time, as I imagine I wanted... I was free, being so far back from the road, to wander, in body and mind, with few distractions, other than that of the world itself
I was the last in my class to still be asking for toys for Christmas. When my friends were starting to start asking for nicer clothing, I instead was still looking through those three or four Christmas catalogs for interesting toys. One of the last was a robot kit, a plastic toy with snap together parts, and I was probably fifteen by then. It helped that my sister was seven years younger than me, so my parents didn’t have any reason to prevent me from “growing up” sooner, since she soon joined me in the sand
My father was a magician, and always was curious, always sharing new tricks, and challenging us to figure them out. For many, he never revealed the secrets, and I was left to wonder how it was done. He also loved Sherlock Holmes, whose simple process of observing everything, asking questions, and then eliminating the possibilities would say, “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”
I loved reasoning things out, and my dad would challenge us not just to figure out the tricks, but on more than one occasion in winter, we would come home from school, and there would be a clue sitting on the table... something like “I give you information, and yet I’m not alive” and the solution would be the temperature guard on the wall, behind which was another clue. Sometimes, there would be a chain of ten, or fifteen clues before ending in some prize, quite a scavenger hunt. Once, my sister and I started the hunt, but got stuck, and my dad refused to give us any hints... and so those clues were never found... and I was bummed about it... but I think this helps explain why I keep going, and trying to figure out things, because I am curious, and I want to find out, and with the freedom and time to do that, it is exactly what I will do
I can’t recount my entire life to you, all fifty years of it, but I can summarize it by saying that if something did not fit logically into my mental model of the cosmos, then I rejected it, so from a young age, I was a skeptic, and didn’t simply have faith in a creator, or an afterlife, or true magical or mystical powers, and yet my dad would take us to the Catholic Church every Sunday for mass, and I would be there trying to figure out how to make sense of the stories I was hearing, and I attempted to figure out what was the meaning of life? Was it to pursue pleasure? My grandmother rejected that as hedonism. Was God really love, as in, God was not a person, but anytime the word God appears, it really meant good, and in turn only meant love, and so religion itself was about how love drove life forward?
Fast forward the tape to some eighteen years ago, I still had a burning desire to save the world, to help those in famine in Africa, and using the internet, I found an essay about why it was right to give as much as needed to eliminate suffering, even if that suffering occurred not in oneself, but far away, in a child somewhere else. I searched for more from this author, Peter Singer, and the only book in the library system written by him was one called Animal Liberation, and I didn’t know what the title meant, but it didn’t much matter, since it was the only book by him, and not interested in the preface, I skipped it, and in chapter one he jumped right into explaining that if we seek to avoid suffering in ourselves, and then if others also suffer, and they suffer indirectly through our actions, then the right thing to do is to do whatever we must, whatever change, to eliminate their suffering
And then, he explained that what animals want is to be free of suffering, and that suffering also meant to be unable to roam and move, and that in the world there were places where animals were suffering, because they were packed together like things, in factory farms, and the reason for that was because I spent money to buy the meat, and that money, through a logical chain of events, motivated the people on the other end to keep the animals locked up and suffering; and by the time I had finished the book, which was after a couple days of complete and uninterrupted days to read, that I rejected eating any animals or products of animals, and realized that I was vegan. I did not have to see the farm, I did not taper off, I never think to myself, “oh, I’d like to eat meat again”, I don’t think I ever really cared for meat, it just didn’t seem like food to me, and when eating eggs, I used to have to gag them down with ketchup, feeling slimy like some moldy ick in my throat
And I wanted everyone to know what was happening to the animals, and I started telling people, but many seemed to not care, and I didn’t understand why, or how, they could not care
I continued to wonder, and when I wondered, invariably, I would sit down at a computer, and search the internet, and use the Wikipedia, which I loved and once contributed to, and I would just go on a learning adventure. One summer, in fact, after the school year was done, and I was alone, at home, all day, with nothing more interesting to do than to try to answer every little question that came into my head, I began wondering why gasoline prices were going up, and after thinking about it for a time, realized that this would draw increasingly more money out of the pockets of the parents of my students, and already having only just enough to live, this would not only be a hardship on many, but they would not have money to spend on other things, and so too businesses would be effected. And, I happened upon something that made perfect sense to me at the time, that the reason the price was going up was because the amount of energy (from oil) being extracted and consumed, was no longer increasing but now going over the flattened curve, and that the price of oil would go up all the way, until it the energy in the oil was valued for the labor that it could do, and that number, I calculated, was enormous
So, I shifted gears in my activism, from teaching about veganism, and fairness in politics, to teaching about “peak oil”, and also about climate change, which also made sense to me, and so I basically put together my own course of study for five years, holding conferences and events, bringing in experts to answer my questions and help predict the future, and through that I made a lot of bad predictions, including when I made a bet that the price of oil would continue upward past $140/barrel endlessly, since there are 1700 kilowatt-hours of energy in a single barrel, which can easily be accessed simply by burning, and which was essentially the blood of civilization itself... and that much energy, compared to the 2000 Calories that are used by a person in a typical day, was 731,000 times more, and that amount of labor, even if purchased for only $10/hour, if for an entire day, would be $240 dollars, and multiply that 200, and each barrel of oil was the labor equivalent of nearly $150,000,000
And the math did not lie, and it was supported by various writers online, including “Life After the Oil Crash”, and by conferences such such as ASPO, the Association for the Study of Peak Oil (and Gas), that indeed not only was oil finite, but it was taking more and more energy to extract it, and that once the rate of increase of the flow of this essentially free energy started to slow, that this would cause the price to go up and up and up, and that this would lead to the total collapse of the global economy
And, as you remember, the economy did not collapse, and the bet that I made cost me two years of earnings, and I couldn’t believe that “peak oil” wasn’t the cause of the economic recession
And so, I went back to the internet, and to all of the sources, and searched to figure out what was going on, and eventually, through wading through reading of books whose audiences were ever and ever more specialized, I learned about the fundamental flaws in the beliefs underpinning the economics profession itself, and that the economists in the world now have faith, rather than mathematical proof, in what they believe but are seen to predict as truth
And so, I searched for anyone that saw it coming, and found that others had sought for the same, and so I connected with Steve Keen, a mathematician who turned to economics, and realized the same thing that I did, that the economists believed, essentially, that the earth was the center of the universe, which during most of the time, that belief seems to be correct, but that just like during an eclipse, or looking at the path that Mars traces in the constellations over the seasons, or the moons revolving around Jupiter, that it is utterly false, and that in must be the sun that is the center, and now everything falls into place. And so I invited Steve to join the Local Future conferences I hosted, and whose lectures are online, for free, on my website, and in advance of him coming, I worked out the origins of money, which I presented to him, and the conference, to see if there were flaws in my thinking
And so then I really wanted to know, if this entire profession of economics was being led by those who had faith in a mistaken understanding, and that so, through a logical chain of events, I eventually came upon the writings of Daniel Quinn in Ishmael and other books, or perhaps this reading happened earlier, but in any event, I was still trying to understand the world and the cosmos, and how everything really worked in reality, and how things got to be this way, and come to a complete understanding of reality
Which I finally got to a few days ago, that the cosmos is like an audio cassette, which is passing by the playhead, and the music is the universe; and that since everything reduces to logic, and logic is math, and math has a very curious ratio called Pi, and another interesting number called zero, and that light had a constant speed, no matter how fast you were traveling, and the universe appeared to have expanded from a single point, that the cosmos was basically like a circle and a sphere passing through each other, with the two point intersection being a positive and negative “charges”, and that it did not require any units at all to describe this passing through, or the harmonics of the circle in ratio to the sphere, or their ratio of closing in ratio to those harmonics amplitudes, and since we experience the universe as fully three dimensional, that our universe is just a projection of this one particular mathematical description, and that all existence, and all thought, is like the music coming from the passing of the tape past the playhead
And, so I looked for any refuting proof, and instead only found corroboration, including hints that others had already arrived at the same conclusion, but perhaps hadn’t the time, or the patience, or the way to explain it to others, or perhaps who decided that it was best to keep this knowledge to themselves, which is of course not reality, because no one decides anything at all, just like a person watching a movie does not decide what will happen next on screen; but if the movie is of Jupiter and the Jovian moons, and it is run unedited and uncut at high speed, that we have no control, which is also corroborated by a recent neurological study that shows that people who make a decision actually, biologically, made the decision some ten seconds before they identified it
And, that already conceiving of civilization as a the third level of organization of matter and energy, the first being the single cell, and the next being the single organism, and the third being the single living and conscious world or Gaia, that I may be the “one” experiencing the dawning of consciousness of the planet itself, whose cells are the people, and whose memory is all recorded knowledge, most of which can be accessed almost instantly just by sitting down at the computer, and whose nervous system is the internet
And so, via the Wikipedia again, through a logical and inevitable series of hyperlinks, I arrived at the concepts of global brain, noosphere, and noogenesis, and wondered if I was the one who was the first to understand all this, and be willing to share it, since there has to be a first in experiencing anything, and given the evidence above, and the amount of my life devoted to study and trying to piece everything together, that perhaps, and most humbly, I just happen to be the one that, seeing the biggest big picture, is tasked on “deciding”
And perhaps others, like Stephen Hawking, who had nothing but time to think of such things, had it all figured out but could not communicate it; or like Elon Musk, who might have already figured all of this out, or maybe just expecting this all to happen as well, and seeing the possibilities of will inevitably happen, (and saying that it was quite possible this universe itself is a mathematical simulation), that we will attempt to reach out to the stars for more understanding, and that it will not matter to us as Gaia that it takes thousands of years to explore; just like it does not matter to the cell where we go, or what we do, so long as we can all maximize our happiness
And what would that look like, if we were all cells, like in an organism that is the conscious earth itself?
Well, suddenly, it would seem when looking back on it, one day, it was as if the people all just decided, “hey, we all want the same things! We want to experience happiness and maximize that in our lives, and minimize suffering at the same time, and we all want the same things, and in order to be able to achieve that, we want to be free, and more than free, in being supported by everyone in our desires to find love and avoid fear
And, as a story to illustrate what this would look like, remember Star Trek: The Next Generation, where everyone is able to pursue what they want, and there is no poverty, no famine, no war, all have what they want and need, all are free to do as they please, and that things like money, politics, and war, which are not necessary, have vanished
What would this look like? Well, for most readers, it might look like extending our lives today to their logical conclusions. Already, when asked “what do you miss” and “what do you NOT miss”, we see what we want, namely, we don’t miss having to leave the high level of comfort and security of where we live to need to spend hours in the car each day to go to “work”, and where, in the typical case, our freedom is lost for most of the day, just to return home, to children who spent all day at school, and so the best we can do is have a bit of a play with them, and the cycle repeats in the small rhythm of the day, the medium rhythm of the week, and the big rhythm of the year, and the largest rhythm of our lives
What would the future look like?
All your basic needs are met for “free” -- food, water, shelter, heat, healthcare, communications, etc. Of course, as any will point out, they can not be perfectly free because we want to maintain the systems of civilization that provide these things, so we would need to contribute to that maintenance, perhaps each of us working one 6-hour or one 8-hour shift per week, if it is physical labor; or contributing some proportion more, if it is “mental labor”
What this would look like, at a time not too far along, is that all debts would be gone, all bills gone, everything free (including yourself), and if you needed to get groceries, you could go to the store, shop for what you would normally shop, check by using an app, which would debit your account, which would greatly determine the amount of labor you would be contributing. For example, if a person buys a lot of very expensive foods, like loading up their cart with fresh raspberries, which require the most labor and care to get from field to plate, and thus the most energy expended for calories delivered; that person would probably have to work the entire week to pay for that purchase
I’m curious how much that would cost right now.... Hmm, using the internet to search memory...
The Raspberry Diet --- about 50-calories per pint, up to $8 per pint, so to get to 2000 calories, that would be 20 pints, or $160 per day, per person, and if taking care of a family of four, that would be $640 per day, times a week of 7 days, or $4480 per week
At a local store, we can now use self-scan to scan the barcode or QR code on each item, with our phone, and then to cash out, we simply go to the computer scale, which tells us to put the entire collection on the scale, and then to take off certain items, and using AI to calculate the probability of what is on the scale is what you scanned into the app, and once within the margin of error, you are free to go. As you scan each item, it shows the amount of time, in minutes and seconds, that you will need to contribute
The Sugar Diet -- about 56 cents for 2,000 calories, times 4 people, times 7 days is $15.68 for the week. I don’t expect that anyone would do this, but this shows that, if you take the cost of the Raspberry diet compared to the Sugar diet, it is about 286 to 1
How is this possible? Well, what is the difference between raspberries and sugar?
In raspberries, the fruit has to be transported, almost as if by hand, from the bush to the store. It requires a person to pick it, a person to gently pack it, very gentle transport, and when it gets to the store, it must be carefully placed, and chilled, and even then it only keeps for a few days.
In sugar, the sugar cane is extracted by a machine, processed by machines which requires an enormous amount of energy and technology, transported to the store, and shelved for potentially months. Watch SUGAR | How It’s Made to see the amount of energy for the processing, not to mention the energy to build all the machines needed to plant and harvest the crops, to get them from humid subtropics to the shelf, and then the cost to keep that space climate controlled
Next, imagine you had to do that on your own, even if you lived in Florida, for example, and have to use your own hands, and your own energy (so basic tools) to get a teaspoon of sugar for the morning coffee. How is it that to buy raspberries in the store, it can cost $8 per 50 calories, but only $0.56/2000C or 2.8 cents per Calorie of sugar?
Consider, for a moment, the common mental model of the universe -- space, time, matter, energy, everything moving according to the laws of motion, and everything explainable by physics.
Just like the pipes in a country house, there are also stores filled with stocks, channels that can flow, in a fixed pattern in space. Clearly, this is not the entire system, because the water is pumped into the house from the ground water, and comes out in the drain field. From the drain field, it eventually makes it to a lake or a stream, evaporates, is carried over the ocean, and all of the water of the world then is part of the system, which most commonly is referred to as the water cycle. This cycle, this water in motion, only happens due to the energy of the sun, causing the evaporation in the first place. (A perfectly water world, all alone in the blackness of space, would not move but would be only a “stock” and never have a flow.)
And so, how did the water get into the ground in the first place? It falls as rain, snow, sleet, hail, melted, and then soaked in. So, is that the full story? Not quite, you see, I’ve been “cooped up” in the house for exactly three weeks now, only getting out for some sunlight and to make a couple connections, and never eating away from home.
And, the water in my body, which amount I happen to measure daily, as a longitudinal study of my weight, and recorded by my Wii using its balance board, shows me approximately how much water is in my body each day, and if I notice that my weight went up or down, I consider, what did I eat, and did I get enough water, or perhaps, did I alter my sodium intake?
But the water comes into my body from out of the tap, into the glass, down my throat, and also comes in from the fruits and other foods that I eat. And of course, when I urinate, the water comes out, and my skin loses moisture, which is replaced from inside, and even more so if my body perspires actively; and also when I breath, that water comes out as well.
So, that’s it then right, we’ve described the whole thing? That the house has a built water system, that is a pattern of stores with stocks, and channels with flows. The store is the pressurizable space inside the pipes, and especially the large amount inside the two tanks, the hot water tank and the pressure tank. The pressure in the system is created by the pump, and since liquids can not be squashed or compressed, there must either be an outlet, or a pressurized chamber. This is hydraulics. And the pressure is held by a pressure tank, which consists of a rubber diaphragm, like a rubber drum head, with water on one side, and air on the other, and when the pressure is applied from below, the in the water, the air is compressed, and the pressure increases, and this is energy, that is being stored
When a person takes a shower, the water flows out, which reduces the pressure in the tank, which drops down until a pressure switch turns on the pump, to increase the pressure, and to maintain the flow of water
And, the people making the decisions regarding the “economy” of the USA, each nation, the world, in this time of crisis, appear not to understand that the world economy is the same as the water in the pipes, and that there has to be water in the system, and it has to be a fixed amount, and it has to be measured correctly (as energy), and that it must have automatic fixes (the pressure switch), in order to go along, and being able to adjust to the cycles of the day, week, year, weather, climate, soil depletion, and all the little changes
Think back to the water system in the house. The water comes in from exactly one point, the pump, which has access to a virtually unlimited supply. The system is pressurized so that when water is needed, that it is instantly available for anyone that needs it. We have three faucets, two showers, two toilets, two washers, two wall hydrants, and one unused line behind the fridge; twelve in total, plus two more to drain the system so the system does not freeze in cold weather, which would crack the weakest pipe, leaking out, and making the pump ineffective for running the shower, as the water would just be coming out of the crack
In this way, the economic system of money-credit-debt-finance-etc is the same. It is too a system, which instead of having twelve faucets, has instead nearly 8 billion, and instead of having one pump, which is in control of pressurizing the system, it has about 2 billion pumps, which is each of us that has access to debt via credit card, mortgage, or other loan
How would a system like this be expected to function for long?
So, let’s turn our attention to the other, bigger part of the water system, which is the hydrosphere and water cycle. In this hydrosphere, what happens as the rain falls on the land? Due to variety in geography due to plate tectonics, as a result of our moon, and the roundness and tilt of our globe, for the seasons, and time the water now accumulates in the oceans, which is the source, but before that, in lakes, in the ground, on the surface as rivers
The each lake is a collection of water, with the largest lakes, being the collection of the billionaires, who have, due to no skill of their own (since we only view the universe, but do not control it), happen to be the one that happened to be at the right place and with the right amount of time like Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg or Jeff Bezos who figured out how to get you to pay them, and me too, directly or indirectly; and their billions represent the size of the Great Lake (for example) that they control
And this accumulation of wealth, not being understood hydraulically, can not be fixed by those that do not understand it, and instead guess at numbers like $1500 per adult and $500 per child, and then put a whole bunch of other stuff in there to “prop up banks” and “support industries”, when in reality, it is only individual humans that directs energy to build and supports civilization
And, since few seem to understand our hydraulic economy, they don’t realize that paying their mortgages, and loans, and credit card bills actually takes money OUT of the system. And, they are fearful that someone will come and kick them out of their house or their car or damage their credit rating or line, and I too feel a compulsion to pay for bills that will just end up paying down debt. The result of this in all past historical instances is a recession, depression, or, not societal collapse, as studied by Jared Diamond, Joseph Tainter, and others.
So, if the politicians, good people at heart all of them, but misbelieving that the sun, moon, planet, and stars revolve around the earth; are of course unable to fix it other than temporarily (at best), nor work to make it efficient. It takes hydrologists, and in particular, the NASA scientists, who work with systems of systems that are all closed with the exception of incoming sunlight and outgoing heat, which of course is not going out at the same rate as it is going in due to the destruction of so much oil, something that is practically impossible to make in the lab (and even if so, requiring more energy to make it than to the energy would be inside)
And humans can live on this planet, it can be habitable, for another billion years or more... and the hydrocarbons are all being burned... *sigh* :-( It’s like going to the bank, bringing home $10,000 and then putting it in the sink at home and burning it up for heat
Experts in systems dynamics, and especially systems of systems and how they all work dynamically together, would be able to quickly design a system that ensured everyone had all their needs met, in precisely the same way that my sons have all their needs met. Now, my sons don’t always understand certain actions I take, or even really where my source of money is, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t trust me perfectly to provide for their safety, security, shelter, food, etc.
One of my friends was kind enough to converse with me about his fears of what might come, especially that people might go without their basic needs, or that the food might run out in the stores; and the longer the “politicians” are allowed to debate, and the media is allowed to interpret, again, through their geo-centric understanding of the universe, and we propagate that via social media and speech, the more and more unnecessary stress we subject ourselves to
So what would it look like, if the PhDs of NASA and PhDs professors of hydrology and physics and with deep and broad mathematical understandings, who devote their lives to seeking truth (thus doctor of philosophy), and the MDs who understand in a practical way how all systems must work together in a body, and to function, and were called upon to fix it, what would it then look like?
Eventually, food would be free for everyone, and before that, the cost to get food (as noted up above) would slowly be transitioned to relating entirely to the amount of energy needed to get that from farm to fork. In the same manner, all other essential needs would eventually be free; and in the meantime, I have a plan, which would need help from some dozen people to implement, to put into action
Yesterday, I proposed a starting point for this called Crisis Plan 2020 v1, which is on my Facebook page, and which does a few things, and in specific has these several essentials:
War declared on virus
Essential services public
Debts all cancelled
Hours of service rules in effect for essential workers
Call up Medical Reserves to backfill at hospitals
Volunteer for 1-eight hour shift/wk for $200 credit
Each child under 15 and adult over 60 qualifies for $200/week credit
Military called home to help
So, what will the future look like?
In the short term, people who are currently working in essential services will continue, but now have guaranteed breaks, and other perks to show the credit they are earning with our society for their service and sacrifice, which they’ll be able to redeem for a long period of freedom to do whatever they want to do such as go on a holiday. The also know that they have access to an unlimited number of volunteers to fill in any gaps and take over any aspects of that essential service that do not require specialization
In the medium term, all ills of society are eliminated including hunger (inefficient food system), poverty (inefficient materials system), prisons (inefficient labor system), disease (inefficient health/wellness system), war (inefficient housing system), politics (inefficient decision-making system), equality (inefficient credit system), freedom (inefficient education system), happiness (inefficient community system).
What that would look like would be very much like it looks like for a rather large population of public sector workers, who are unable to work due to the closure of their school or workplace, and have a lot of time on their hands to spend with kids, enjoy life, or learn by reading pieces like this one.
For “money”, each person would be instantly credited with a credit-line of three weeks, which would be available on a rolling basis over the two weeks, so that they could go shopping, but not all at the same time. And for which, they would go to the new global Credit app, which would show them all the labor that was needed closest to where they lived, with a description of each, and they would click the one they liked, which would put in the shift, similar to a Shipt order, but in this case, it would be for a fixed duration of time.
Thus, anyone could try any work, and if they wanted to keep doing that, of course, they would be able to sign up again and again, or be employed, just like happens with workers for Uber. Since people would choose to work closest to home, to minimize their drive and time away, and only go in for one 8-hour shift per week, and it would be encouraged to walk or ride a bike, traffic would also be eliminated, especially since, using computer assisted planning, that the 8-hour shifts would not all start at 8 a.m., 4 p.m. midnight, but rather would be made efficient to minimize traffic. For this, internet designers and specialists would be wanted, along with other experts in this area
So, all that could do their work from home would do it there, and this would include students as well, who can learn many topics at home quite well. Which brings up the role of school buildings and teachers. In this case, there is a desire for a society to impart the burning desire and search for truth, logic, understanding, and connection; and a desire by the educators to do the same with students
Regarding the school buildings themselves, one very real possibility is making them into community dining halls like on college campuses, recreation centers, trade training centers; where a certain amount of classroom space would be available for anyone to teach or learn by scheduling and signups through the computer technology.
In the long term, there would develop within the whole people burning desires to address various concerns, such as how to stay healthy and fit, have healthy old age, or even find a cure for aging. And perhaps about then, a driving curiosity to explore outer space, and colonize the moon, Mars, other places in the solar system, and perhaps eventually beyond
As for viruses, since people would not be traveling in to work everyday, and people would work a minimum of 8-hours per week, there would be much less ability for a virus to be rapidly carried around. In addition, since the hydrocarbons would be left in the ground for future, and all had been freed, and plants including trees would be planted to replace those that were lost, and permaculture techniques would be integrated in food production, with homes being encouraged to have permaculture gardens; and with soil amendments to depleted topsoil made by biochar; the carbon would thus be drawn down out of the atmosphere, solving the climate crisis
So, I have been typing for six hours straight, and my left side is going numb and is already sore from this last week of writing and planning, so I’ll wrap up with a call to action
Give me your feedback, what major or minor question did I leave unanswered? I can put a Q & A at the bottom
Share this with everyone you know, and encourage them to read it, and say it was eye opening, and more important that following social media today or the mass media
The goal here, I think, is to get a buzz and virility going to this idea. Have people subscribe to my page and look it over. All my posts for the past 10 days show how I led up to this very point, and help explain my desire to save the world, which of course means you, everyone you love, everyone I love, which is really just everyone, from the alternative which may be a total societal collapse like the collapse of the Ancient Maya
And, I think to spread faster, as this gets closer and closer to celebrities and youtube stars and world media, to get me on the TV and explaining the proposal numbered above, so that we can get organized together, and implement this plan of action; and get moving on to the next film in our amazing journey called life
And yes, it is really my 50th birthday today, and I’ll let you ponder the odds of this on your own
20200326150000 Aaron Wayne Wissner
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